Thursday, December 6, 2007

Life after blogging

Since Newspaper production is almost over, this will probably be one of my last posts in this blog. Unless, of course I decide to keeping blogging about Student Media. But I think I'd like to move on to a broader subject either way.
I just wanted to say Bravo to the Breeze though. I know I gave them some crap earlier about their editing, but I was happy to see that they were adding a blogging section to their online paper. Good for them. I think it was a positive move for The Breeze since media is heading towards a multimedia trend.
But then again....I was upset at The Breeze today. Front page....main picture...huge mistake. The caption for the photo spells Harrisonburg's mayor Rodney Eagle as Rodney Egle. Oh Breeze. And the cutline also didn't say what position all those important people held. Some people might not know who the mayor is. Oh well, guess it happens.
Anyways....back to blogging. I have one other blog about me and's kind of a wedding blog for everyone who's coming to the wedding. We update it when we have a date, location, blah blah blah. Stuff like that. Buuuuut writing in it definitely doesn't make me think. So I think I'd like to start a new blog. I never thought I would everrrrrr want to start a blog before this class. Blogs are lame. Rather, blogs were lame. But now I'm trying to think of a new topic to start writing keep my brain working over Christmas break.

Any ideas for new topics would be greatly appriciatedddd!
I'll miss you Student Media blog :(

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fellow Newspaper Production people...

I wanted to go ahead and create a poll about our class. You all know it's anonymous, but I wanted to see how people thought about journalisms trend toward multimedia after taking this class. If you have time please take it! I'd really appriciate it!

Our Story....

Here's a story written by Helen Stackhouse about our wonderful Newspaper Production class. If you're in the class, you've probably already seen this, but for those of you who aren't familiar with on and enjoy!!!

By Helen StackhousePosted by SMAD
SouthMainOnline Explores the Future Journalism

Harrisonburg, VA- The future of journalism is rapidly progressing towards the web. In the past few years, large news sources have added more advanced online features to their websites providing readers not only with stories, but ways for readers to contribute to the stories. The increase of blogs, RSS feeds, discussion forums, and video stories are a part of almost ever major news site, CNN, USA Today, Washington Post, and etc.Toni Mehling, professor and director of communications, has brought some of this new technology to the SMAD 210 class. The class has created an online publication called, which is run every semester by students of the class. SouthMain originally began as a print tabloid publication for the magazine course taught by Dr. Wendelken. As the journalism industry continued to grow technologically, Mehling and Wendelken together transformed the publication to an online source.The purpose of the website is for students to learn and utilize the tools of online journalism. To create the online video stories, the students are currently using consumer-grade video equipment and audio equipment, and also software to create slideshows and audio bites. The course will be constantly changing as online journalism technology is also continuously changing. This semester, southmainonline has added student blogs, RSS feeds, and they are now exploring the online medium of podcasting. “I have a group of students who have really grasped this idea of taking the same journalistic skills they have been learning and turned them toward new media. They are still telling stories, but they are telling these stories with visual mediums in addition to print,” says Toni Mehling.In previous semesters the site was run by a web class or a web administrator, however for the first time the students of the class are posting their own materials to the site. The students are now learning the basics of accessing server content and posting blogs, online articles, photos, and video and audio clips. The topics of the student blogs range from environmental awareness to insight on politics. “College Morals” is an example of a blog discussing the ethics and morals involved with college life and students. The blog is updated frequently with posts about college social life, co-ed living, or simply thought-provoking questions.Journalism today has taken the course of online technology the SMAD journalism department has adapted to the new medium of communication. “The reality is that media is changing. This past year I conducted research in which I surveyed managing editors at newspapers around the country asking them what skills they require of reporters they are hiring today. Almost without exception, they are looking for journalists who have some knowledge of technology; the more, the better…Today, you can't be just a print journalist with no technology skills and expect to be marketable,” states Mehling.